
Legal News

LMAA arbitration award stands after claimant fails in two different jurisdictions to have it set aside (Gujarat Coke & Anr v Coeclerici)

Published on: 04 October 2013

Article summary

On 30 September 2013, the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia (FCAFC) rejected an appeal by Indian mining company Gujarat NRE Coke Limited (Gujarat Coke) that it had been denied procedural fairness by a LMAA tribunal that had issued an award against it. The FCAFA held that the tribunal had not denied Gujarat Coke procedural fairness and so did not breach the rules of natural justice, but that Gujarat Coke had been given a reasonable opportunity to present its case to the tribunal. In its judgment, the FCAFC referred extensively to the decision of Judge Mackie QC in the English Commercial Court (in July 2013) not to grant Gujarat Coke’s application pursuant to section 68 of the Arbitration Act 1996 (AA 1996) to have the same award set aside on the ground of serious irregularity. We discuss both decisions in the article below.

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