
Children Act 1989 (1989 c 41)

UK Parliament Acts contains Statutes of England and Wales. Acts that were made by the Westminster Parliament and relate to Scotland only are not included, although provisions of Scottish Acts that apply or are relevant to England and/or Wales are included. Westminster Parliament Acts containing some Scotland only provisions pre and post devolution are reproduced in full. This source contains the full, amended text of all public general Acts that are currently in force. Legislation that has been recently enacted but is not yet in force is also included.

Quick and comprehensive access to the most accurate, up-to-date legislation.

ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû traffic light system shows the status of legislation and cases so you are always using up-to-date law while historical versioning and legislative timelines lets you see exactly what has changed in legislation over time.


Children Act 1989 (1989 c 41)

UK Parliament Acts contains Statutes of England and Wales. Acts that were made by the Westminster Parliament and relate to Scotland only are not included, although provisions of Scottish Acts that apply or are relevant to England and/or Wales are included. Westminster Parliament Acts containing some Scotland only provisions pre and post devolution are reproduced in full. This source contains the full, amended text of all public general Acts that are currently in force. Legislation that has been recently enacted but is not yet in force is also included.

Quick and comprehensive access to the most accurate, up-to-date legislation.

ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû traffic light system shows the status of legislation and cases so you are always using up-to-date law while historical versioning and legislative timelines lets you see exactly what has changed in legislation over time.


Children Act 1989 (1989 c 41)
[11A . . . Activity directions] [11B . . . Activity directions: further provision] [11C . . . Activity conditions] [11D . . . Activity conditions: further provision] [11E . . . Activity directions and conditions: making] [11F . . . Activity directions and conditions: financial assistance] [11G . . . Activity directions and conditions: monitoring] 14 . . . [14G . . .]
[17ZA Young carers' needs assessments. . .] [17ZD Parent carers' needs assessments. . .] [17B . . .] 19 . . . [26ZA . . .] [26ZB . . .] 28 . . . [30A . . .]
71 . . . 72 . . . 73 . . . 74 . . . 75 . . . 76 . . . 77 . . . 78 . . . 79 . . .
[79A . . .] [79B . . .] [79C . . .] [79D . . .] [79E . . .] [79F . . .] [79G . . .] [79H . . .] [79J . . .] [79K . . .] [79L . . .] [79M . . .] [79Q . . .] [79R . . .] [79S . . .] [79T . . .] [79U . . .] [79V . . .] [79W . . .] [79X . . .]
[86A Visitors for children notified to local authority . . .] 89 . . . 94 . . . 99 . . .

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