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AA 1996 stay of court proceedings to enable arbitration s 9 This Practice Note considers applications to the courts of England and Wales England a
Applications for letters of administration with Will annexed When a grant of administration with will annexed letters of administration with Will a
Can a creditor apply for a grant and recover a debt owed by the deceased where the limitation period for recovering the debt has expired What is the
Criminal Procedure Rules CrimPR update October 2020 Archived ARCHIVED This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained This Practice
ET rules rules applying from Monday 29 July 2013 as amended Employment Tribunals Constitution and Rules of Procedure Regulations 2013 SI 2013 12
Freezing injunctions in support of foreign proceedings This Practice Note provides guidance on the interpretation and application of the relevant pro
Immigration judicial review submitting a claim The Senior Courts Act 1981 SCA 1981 s 31 provides a legislative framework for judicial review Ho
Interim injunctions the American Cyanamid guidelines This Practice Note is concerned with substantive interim injunctions which are a particular spe
Negative Declarations This Practice Note considers negative declarations It first considers what a negative declaration is followed by the power of
Non party costs orders solicitors This Practice Note considers non party costs orders NPCO against solicitors Such orders may be made where a soli
Trust disputes trustees removal under section 41 of the Trustee Act 1925 This Practice Note covers the purpose and procedure of section 41 of the T
Where a local authority is concerned with Court of Protection proceedings in respect of P and P s relative is being abusive to P s care workers an
IHT returns This note considers the duty to deliver an account for IHT and explains which form to use in various circumstances It covers accounta
Personal representatives Personal representatives are those who are authorised to administer the estate of someone who has died The appointment as p
Supreme Court rules on outstanding issues in FII Group Litigation Franked Investment Income Group Litigation v HMRC The Supreme Court has released
Supreme Court upholds quashing of follower notice Haworth v HMRC The Supreme Court has unanimously dismissed the appeal of HM Revenue and Customs
Tolley tax case tracker This tax tracker tool displays the current status and most recent developments of direct tax cases being heard by the Upper T
With or without capital letters means a divisional court constituted under section 66 of the Senior Courts Act 1981
A means of challenging the lawfulness of an act or omission by a public body which has a sufficient public element Planning judicial review is dealt
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