
Would an issue of shares by a company incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 be void if the investor was breaking a foreign law by subscribing for the shares?

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Published on: 21 September 2021

It has been assumed that the company issuing the shares is a private limited company with one class of shares.

The validity of an allotment and issue which has taken place with the agreement of the investor and in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions of the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) (ie with requisite authority and in accordance with any pre-emption rights) and any requirements of the company’s articles

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Key definition:
Issue of shares definition
What does Issue of shares mean?

(a) references (however expressed) to an issue of shares in any company are to such of the shares in the company as are of the same class and issued on the same day, and (b) references (however expressed) to an issue of shares in any company to an individual are to such of the shares in the company as are of the same class and are issued to the individual in one capacity on the same day.

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