Amending a facility agreement

Published by a ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû Banking & Finance expert
Practice notes

Amending a facility agreement

Published by a ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû Banking & Finance expert

Practice notes

This Practice Note discusses the key issues involved in amending an existing facility agreement. It discusses:

  1. •

    common reasons for amending a facility agreement

  2. •

    key considerations when amending a facility agreement on a bilateral or syndicated transaction

  3. •

    issues to consider where there are guarantees or security

  4. •

    how to document an amendment, including when to use an amendment letter, amendment agreement and amendment and restatement agreement

  5. •

    common conditions precedent

  6. •

    issues relating to fees and expenses

This Practice Note does not deal with one-off waivers and consents. For information on waivers and consents, see Practice Note: Waiver and consent requests.

For information on amending security documents, see Practice Note: Amending security documents.

For general contract law guidance relating to amendment a contract, see Practice Note: Contract variation.

Common reasons for amending a facility agreement

After a facility agreement has been signed and funding has occurred, the circumstances of the borrower may change and trigger a request for an amendment to the terms of the facility agreement. For example:

  1. •

    the borrower may request

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What does Recommendations mean?

Article 288 TFEU on legal acts, allows EU institutions to adopt recommendations. Recommendations are non-binding instruments which do not have any legal force but are merely persuasive. They simply allow the EU institutions to make their views known and to suggest a line of action without imposing any legal obligation on those to whom they are addressed. However, the Court of Justice has been known to invoke Recommendations to interpret EU law.

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