How to run an innovative AI workshop for your law firm

Map out your firm's AI strategy with this action-based AI workshop structure that drives lasting change.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the legal profession.

In fact, monthly use of AI doubled in the six months between July 2023 and January 2024.

From legal research to contract review to predictive analytics, AI has the potential to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve decision-making for law firms and legal teams.

Legal research and drafting are the biggest opportunities

ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû's most recent survey of 1,200+ UK lawyers and legal professionals revealed the top AI use cases lawyers are most interested in:

  • Drafting legal documents at 91% (up from 59% in July 2023)
  • Researching legal matters at 90% (up from 66% in July 2023)
  • Drafting emails or other communication-based tasks was also listed as a priority by 73% of respondents (up from 33% in July 2023).

Yet many are still unsure how to effectively implement and leverage AI.

Here's how to get the ball rolling.

Structuring an AI workshop

Here are some suggestions and ideas for an AI workshop agenda:

1. Introduction to AI (60 mins)

  • What is AI? Definitions of key concepts like machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing
  • Examples of current AI applications in legal - e.g. doc review, legal research, analytics
  • Opportunities AI offers law firms - increased efficiency, new insights, competitive advantages
  • Risks and challenges to address - data quality, ethics, skills gaps, cultural resistance
  • Discussion: What are your perceptions/concerns about AI? What potential do you see?

2. Break (15 mins)

3. Ideation session (90 mins)

Divide into cross-functional groups of 4-6 people:

  • Use design thinking exercises like:
    - "A Day in the Life" stories to identify pain points AI could address
    - "" to consider needs of clients, lawyers, staff
    - "" to explore current strengths, challenges, opportunities
  • Brainstorm potential AI use cases for different practice areas and internal operations
  • Capture ideas on whiteboards/templates
  • Discussion: Which use cases seem most impactful? What would be the benefits?

4. Lunch (60 mins)

5. Action Planning (90 mins)

  • Each group shares top 2-3 use case ideas and rationale
  • As a full group, evaluate use cases against criteria like:
    - Potential time/cost savings
    - Revenue generation opportunities
    - Competitive advantages
    - Data availability and quality
    - Technical feasibility
    - Ethical considerations
  • Vote for the top use cases to pursue
    For each:
    - Sketch out a high-level implementation plan
    - Identify key stakeholders
    - Discuss data, skills, tech and process requirements
    - Surface risks and mitigation steps
  • Discussion: What are the biggest hurdles or concerns? How could we address them?

Have you heard about Lexis+ AI? It will streamline your legal workflow.

Who should you invite to your legal AI workshop?

For a productive and well-rounded workshop, you'll want a diverse group of participants from across your firm. Consider inviting:

  • Partners and senior lawyers from key practice areas
  • Junior associates and trainees (digital natives)
  • Legal operations and pricing professionals
  • IT personnel familiar with your tech stack
  • Knowledge management experts
  • Client-facing staff with insights into client needs

You'll also need one or two facilitators to guide the discussions and activities. If possible, engage an external AI consultant or legal tech expert to co-facilitate and lend objectivity.

Promoting innovative thinking

The ideation phase is critical for surfacing creative ideas that could transform your legal service delivery.

To stimulate innovative thinking:

  • Share examples of how AI is being applied at other firms
  • Divide into cross-functional groups to encourage diverse perspectives
  • Use design thinking techniques like storyboarding and empathy mapping
  • Provide whiteboards, sticky notes, and templates to visualise ideas
  • Encourage wild, uncensored ideas first before evaluating feasibility.

Keep up with the latest AI updates in the legal sector - join the Lexis+ AI Insider Programme

Concrete action planning

While blue-sky thinking is valuable, the workshop should also produce tangible next steps. In the action planning session:

• Prioritise use cases based on criteria like potential impact, costs, and existing capabilities
• Develop implementation roadmaps with milestones and owners
• Identify skills gaps and training needs
• Discuss data requirements, security, and ethical considerations
• Outline communication and change management plans
• Secure leadership approval and budget for priority initiatives

Post-workshop actions

An AI workshop is just the first step. To maintain momentum:

  • Share a summary report with all participants
  • Form working groups to execute high-priority use cases
  • Provide training to build AI skills and literacy
  • Communicate regularly on AI initiatives
  • Celebrate small wins to build confidence and support

The rewards of running an AI workshop

Running an AI workshop requires upfront planning but can pay huge dividends for your firm. It demonstrates a commitment to innovation, surfaces creative ideas, aligns your team around an AI strategy, and builds critical AI capabilities. With the right approach, your law firm can harness the power of AI to deliver more value to clients while staying competitive and future-ready.