Part 4 'AGM trends in 2023': Hot topics for the board in 2023 – Will Chalk, Partner, Ashurst.

Part 4 'AGM trends in 2023': Hot topics for the board in 2023 – Will Chalk, Partner, Ashurst.

ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû UK Market Tracker presents the in our series ‘AGM trends in 2023.’ Will Chalk, Partner at Ashurst discusses how boards should prepare for the 2023 season. Will considers how boards ought to be focused trending topics like shareholder activism, shareholder engagement, remuneration, diversity, and industrial action.

Will explores how boards should get ready for meaningful engagement at their physical meetings and turn their minds to the possibility of heightened activism. This is in line with trends Will and Market Tracker have been following for some time. Will also reminds us that boards will have to plan the AGM around industrial action and potentially prepare for some disruption in this space. 

A huge thank you to Will for participating in our AGM series.

Other videos in the AGM trends in 2023 video series

For an in-depth look at this area, our Market Tracker trend report, , reviews investor voting in 2022 and looks ahead to the hot topics for the 2023 season. Drawing on the extensive data available in our Market Tracker database, this report provides insight into last year’s most significant trends.

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Market Tracker is a unique service for corporate lawyers housed within Lexis®PSL Corporate. It features a powerful transaction data analysis tool for accessing, analysing and comparing the specific features of corporate transactions, with a comprehensive and searchable library of deal documentation across 14 different deal types. The Market Tracker product also includes news and analysis of key corporate deals and activity and in-depth analysis of recent trends in corporate transactions.Â