Sustainability events, training, and resources for in-house counsel

Sustainability events, training, and resources for in-house counsel

When we interviewed General Counsel for our recent report, , they stressed the importance for in-house lawyers to engage in in-depth conversations,  in order to effectively drive sustainability in their organisations.

That might seem a massive task. But there are plenty of resources that can help. In this article, I will discuss some of the resources available to in-house lawyers, with reference to the groups and associations they might wish to join, events and sessions they could attend, and the myriad other opportunities that may well provoke collaboration.

Groups, initiatives, and associations

The best way to drive sustainability is through cooperation. In-house lawyers can find groups and associations that are dedicated to their cause. are a great example of a group that recognises the opportunities for in-house lawyers to drive sustainability and take significant and meaningful action on climate change.

have a simple mission to ‘Energise and equip in-house counsel globally, to champion and enable legitimate net zero.’ And they are not alone. They are part of a complex ecosystem of groups and associations committed to climate action, all of which offer amply opportunities for lawyers to learn, engage, and drive sustainability forward.

For in-house counsel working for international organisations, the might prove helpful. The organisation aims to allow lawyers to support, share, and collaborate to increase impact across the planet. They are able to utilise knowledge from all across the world, leveraging the expertise of lawyers of all nationalities to accelerate the shift of corporate models towards sustainability.

The (CLP) is another brilliant collaborative initiative. CLP aims to make sure every contract in the legal sector enables solutions to climate change. They do so by giving lawyers the tools and information. They recently launched a , for example, which gave lawyers and in-house counsel a collection of and to help them align their work with a decarbonised economy.

That’s just a few of the groups and associations that might interest in-house counsel. There are plenty of others that might appeal to areas of interest, including:

The above is by no means an exhaustive list, but provides a starting point. In-house counsel should conduct their own research to gain help with specifics, relying on various groups and associations, and in turn contributing to those groups and associations. 

Training, lectures, and events

The above groups are part of a longer-term solution, ensuring co-operation across the sector. But, in the short term, in-house counsel need to stay up to date with the latest trends. To achieve that, in-house counsel should be engaging in the latest training, lectures, and events.

In our recent report, Implementing the E of ESG: why in-house are instrumental, several participants particularly recommended the , which offers sustainability leadership education for individuals and organisations, including part-time learning that is available entirely online.

The is another good place to start. The alliance aims to lead the way in sustainability for law firms and part of that programme is hosting events, such as sessions on ‘What lawyers need to know about climate change’ and ‘Do you know your ESG from your ISSB?’. The events are in-person and online. Keep track of sessions on the .

are all about joy, insight, and connection for in-house counsel. They have essential resources, including an insights page that uses legal expertise and actionable data to provide bespoke research, consultancy, and analysis. They have also created a , which helps lawyers form connections, take part in virtual and in-person meet-ups, and attend events.

The is a charity that aims to improve the legal sector and the practice of law for the sake of the environment. A massive part of that project is raising awareness and educating the legal sector and the public on all matters relating to the teaching, application, and practice of law relating to the environment. That includes running and an , which in-house counsel should check out.

Law firms themselves will put on events, webinars, and workshops that tackle sustainability, many of which are directly related to in-house lawyers. DLA Piper are planning a webinar on . Irwin Mitchell held a workshop at COP26 on .

And there will be plenty of other one-off events in the future. In-house lawyers can ensure they don’t miss out by keeping up with the latest by checking in, subscribing to event emails and newsletters, following the right organisations on social media, and checking in with events pages on , , , , and others. 

ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû ESG and sustainability resources

And, of course, ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû hosts in-house counsel events, reports, blog posts, webinars, and panel discussions, and myriad other resources that can help lawyers keep abreast of the latest environmental information across the legal sector.

We recently published a blog that highlighted the practical ESG and climate change resources available for in-house legal teams in ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû Practical Guidance. Those subscribed to can sign up for regular alerts.

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ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû - In house Legal Consultant - helping Legal Firms to be more efficient and mitigate risk.