Equity Capital Markets UK Trend Report

Equity Capital Markets UK Trend Report

At ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû UK, we have published our latest Market Tracker Trend Report, Equity Capital Markets UK, which examines developments in IPOs and secondary offerings over the last three years with commentary on trends emerging in H1 2020.

This trend report provides in-depth analysis of a total of 233 IPOs (131 on the Main Market and 102 on AIM) and 522 secondary offers (289 on the Main Market and 233 on AIM).

The report also looks at the 22 companies listing on the standard segment of the Official List in 2019 by way of IPO, introduction or transfer from AIM and reviews risk factor disclosure across 38 prospectuses and 10 AIM admission documents relating to transactions in 2019. Finally, it reports on the legal and regulatory developments in equity capital markets in 2019 and into 2020.

Access the report here

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