Do your due diligence: How to safeguard your independent school or college

Do your due diligence: 
How to safeguard your independent school or college

Independent schools and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the UK face a number of prominent challenges this year, not least of which is the omnipresent issue of ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Due diligence has become an essential practice for institutions accepting donations and charging fees, serving as a preventative measure against financial crimes and ultimately safeguarding their reputations. Let's explore the importance of due diligence for independent schools and colleges, highlight why preventative measures are so essential and the practical solutions that can help mitigate risk.

The importance of preventative measures 

The primary reason for conducting due diligence is to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Independent schools and HEIs must adhere to legislation such as the Bribery Act 2010, which governs charitable and political donations. Failure to comply can result in severe penalties and damage to the institution's reputation. 

Moreover, due diligence is crucial in preventing financial crimes like money laundering. In 2020, the National Crime Agency (NCA) raised an amber alert, highlighting the risk of independent schools being used as destinations for funds linked to bribery and corruption.  

This alert underscored the importance of verifying the legitimacy of funds and the individuals involved in donations or fee payments. Schools must ensure that there are no connections to high-risk entities, thereby protecting their ethical values and standards. 

Safeguarding the institution's reputation is another critical aspect of due diligence. Independent schools and HEIs are highly regarded for their educational standards and community contributions. Any association with financial crimes or unethical practices can tarnish their reputation, affecting student enrolment and stakeholder trust. 

What preventative actions you can actually take 

To address these concerns, independent schools and HEIs can implement several preventative actions. 

Firstly, having a robust Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policy is essential. This policy should be well-communicated throughout the institution to ensure that all staff members are aware of their responsibilities. Appointing a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) is another effective measure. The MLRO is responsible for ensuring compliance with AML policies and reporting any suspicious activities. This role is critical in maintaining the institution's integrity and preventing financial crimes. 

Conducting a check on the source of funds is another vital step. This process involves verifying the origin of funds to ensure they are legitimate and not linked to criminal activities. 

Proactively carrying out other such due diligence checks against fee-payers and donors is also crucial. Utilising products like Nexis Diligence can enhance this process. Nexis Diligence offers comprehensive searches across: 

  • 82 billion public records from multiple databases 

  • 1 million Politically Exposed People 

  • 1,000+ government sanctions lists. 

This tool compiles authoritative reports on diligence risks, providing schools with the information needed to make informed decisions. It’s not the only place to ascertain guidance, though. Key associations, such as the independent Schools’ Bursar Association, can also be beneficial. Remember that these associations are here for you, to provide valuable resources and support to help schools navigate the complexities of due diligence and compliance.  

And if the worst should come to the worst, remember that every Higher Education Institution (HEI) is obligated to flag any suspicious activity under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.  

In conclusion 

Due diligence is not just a regulatory requirement but a vital practice for Independent schools and colleges in the UK. By implementing these preventative measures, independent schools and HEIs can protect themselves against money laundering, avoid committing offences against the POCA 2002, and preserve their esteemed reputations. 

As the educational landscape continues to evolve, due diligence will remain a cornerstone of ethical and responsible management for independent schools and HEIs. 

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About the author:
Freya heads up marketing for the Bar, Academic and Public Sector legal communities. She is passionate about creating useful, engaging and relevant thought leadership campaigns for these markets and helping clients to thrive by getting the best use out of ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû solutions