5 ways lawyers can save time with Lexis Create

5 ways lawyers can save time with Lexis Create

Lexis Create helps lawyers save time preparing legal documents, ensuring they are client-ready faster with less risk of inaccuracies. Let’s take a look at how our powerful legal software tool can be integrated into the Microsoft Office environment to improve your firm’s efficiency.


1. Precedents and clauses

Lexis Create provides access to the ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû database of precedents and clauses. It also allows lawyers to find and reuse relevant individual clauses which they - or their colleagues at the firm - have drafted as part of previous legal documents. The ability to easily search for appropriate clauses and quickly insert these into the current document prevents unnecessary re-drafting, ensuring consistency and saving time. 

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2. Less context switching

Moving between different software tools, tasks or projects is known as context switching. An example is where a lawyer drafting a contract in Microsoft Word needs to check a clause in their bank of precedents. They minimise the Word document they are working on, open up the relevant precedent in a separate tool, and then copy it across to Word. 

Although this may, at first, appear like a relatively inconsequential form of multitasking, switching between different tasks can drastically reduce overall efficiency over time. Since most lawyers still bill for time spent on client work rather than using fixed-fees, inefficiencies which creep in as a result of context switching obviously raises the cost for clients, reducing the competitiveness of the firm.

Because Lexis Create is integrated within the Microsoft Office environment, it can help to reduce context switching. In the example above, a lawyer will be able to check precedents within Word, without the need to close one screen and open a different programme to search through the bank of precedents. This integration ensures a more seamless way of legal document management, reducing distractions and saving time.

3. Collaborative working

Lexis Create helps to facilitate collaborative working processes. When drafting a new contract or other legal document, our tool enables different elements of the document to be assigned to specific members of the team who are working on it. For example, a solicitor might draft the overall structure of the document and then delegate sub-sections to paralegals to finish off.

4. Automated checking

There are some very handy tools included in Lexis Create which can automatically check a legal document to ensure that it is up to date, accurate and consistent. Our citation checker analyses the legal status of any citations used in the document, whilst the built-in calculators will check your dates and numbers. There is even some degree of automated proofreading, which can check for problems in terms of terminology, numbering and referencing. This type of document automation reduces the number of individual manual tasks, freeing up extra time.

5. Client-ready documents

Once the drafting of a legal document is complete, Lexis Create can conduct a final sweep, adding in any relevant digital signatures, and redacting any personal or confidential information. This ensures that the final product is 100% client-ready and reduces the need for re-checking legal documents multiple times before sending them on to the client.

Find out more about how you can save time with Lexis Create.

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About the author:
Dylan is the Content Lead at ÀÏ˾»úÎçÒ¹¸£Àû UK. Prior to writing about law, he covered topics including business, technology, retail, talent management and advertising.    Â